Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:13:22 GMT -6
Yes, she definitely didn't know about him being a savior then. Okay...Time for a complicated string of lies.
"His sword technique was definitely poor," Sayuri acknowledged, lowering her eyes. "You see...Actually we met at this hospital and I was very upset because Mariko was sick and originally no one was sure what was wrong with her. I overreacted. I thought she was going to die.
I cried. A lot. And then Kiriha came over and asked me why I was crying. And I was upset and I lied. I told him I was sad that I didn't have someone to train with. He promised to duel me if I told him what was really wrong."
Post by Kiriha/Marilen Kyuuseishu on Oct 6, 2013 20:17:55 GMT -6
"Kiri-kun?" she questioned, looking between the two of them, then she shook her head, "No, no, no...Kiri-kun isn't that nice towards strangers," she said. "Stop lying to me!" she told Sayuri, almost wishing she could cry on command. Oh, that would be even more fun.
Kiriha watched and sighed. He shook his head and started walking the other way, so Marilen couldn't see. He wanted to get to his break...
Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:22:20 GMT -6
What was she supposed to do in this situation?! She didn't want to get Kiriha in trouble but she wasn't sure what else she could say.
'In strategy your spiritual bearing must not be any different from normal. Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased,' she thought to herself, trying to calm her spirit.
And now Kiriha was leaving her to deal with his girlfriend?! That couldn't be good!
Sayuri bowed in way of apology to Marilen. "Please give me a moment! I forgot to ask Kiriha something!" she said hurrying after him.
"You are not leaving me with your girlfriend," she whispered upon catching up to him. "I don't know what to say!"
Post by Kiriha/Marilen Kyuuseishu on Oct 6, 2013 20:24:35 GMT -6
Marilen hurried after her, "I don't trust you!" she told Sayuri, "No way am I leaving you alone with him to try to come up with some cover story or something! Tell me the truth!" Oh, this was so much fun. She felt bad for Sayuri, but oh well, she'd get over it.
Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:26:25 GMT -6
Sayuri had this cornered, terrified look. Kiriha was an ally and here she was getting him into trouble. What should she do?!
"No, really! It's just like I said! Mariko is a precious student. I work at a kindergarten and I got all emotional when she was sick. And...That's all there is to it!" she said, flustered, looking back to Kiriha, hoping he'd help her out.
Post by Kiriha/Marilen Kyuuseishu on Oct 6, 2013 20:28:05 GMT -6
Kiriha looked at them, and then walked quickly into the break room, shutting the door and locking it. Marilen could have her fun, he just wanted some time to himself...
"Well, now you don't have him to help you," Marilen said, "The truth."
Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:31:10 GMT -6
Great! Her ally had completely abandoned her. Yes, she'd gotten him into trouble but it was an accident! Did he really need to leave her alone with his girlfriend?! And after she'd tried to give him a bento!
'No matter if the enemy has thousands of men, there is fulfillment in simply standing them off and being determined to cut them all down, starting from one end,' she thought to herself. She just needed to treat this like a battle and deal with everything as it came.
"Why don't you believe me?" Sayuri asked. "It's not very polite to accuse people of lying."
Post by Kiriha/Marilen Kyuuseishu on Oct 6, 2013 20:33:14 GMT -6
"Because Kiri-kun isn't a fighter. He doesn't know how to use a sword," she said, "I've known him for a long time, trust me. I would know."
Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:36:32 GMT -6
Okay...What was she supposed to say to that? According to Kiriha he didn't use to be a fighter. He had decided to be a doctor before he was...altered. Think. Think. Think.
She stood there in silence for a moment, trying to contemplate what to say. She needed to keep her ally out of trouble.
"I told you he wasn't very good. He was just trying to make me feel better." Just keep insisting this was the truth. Then maybe eventually Marilen would believe her.
Post by Kiriha/Marilen Kyuuseishu on Oct 6, 2013 20:38:21 GMT -6
She shook her head, "He's hardly the type to go out of his way to help you like that." Ok, maybe that was a stretch. If it was here, he might, but to go that far? No. At least she didn't think so.
Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:41:01 GMT -6
In combat sometimes the best defense was a good offense.
"Then maybe you don't know him as well as you think you do. He's a good person. He helped me." Well he was a good person even if he was arrogant as anything. And he had helped her. True enough. And she definitely didn't know him as well as she thought if she didn't know about his warrior side.
Post by Kiriha/Marilen Kyuuseishu on Oct 6, 2013 20:41:58 GMT -6
"And are you saying that you know him better?" she questioned.
Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:43:08 GMT -6
In battle if you had someone on the ropes you pressed your advantage.
"In some ways, yes," she said simply with confidence.
Post by Kiriha/Marilen Kyuuseishu on Oct 6, 2013 20:44:57 GMT -6
She just smiled, shaking her head, "This was fun," she left it at that.
Post by Sayuri Shiraishi on Oct 6, 2013 20:46:03 GMT -6
Fun?! This was fun?! What was she talking about?!
"What are you talking about?" Sayuri asked, trying to keep her voice calm.